Friday 14 November 2014

There Is Always Someone Who Will Do It Cheaper.

Provincial Tank Lining and Inspections Inc.

The other day I was captivated by a conversation on Linkedin which was titled:

"Is the lowest bid process still a way of life in the commercial buildings industry? "Join the Movement".....Remember the lowest bid doesn't necessarily mean the best value." ~ Sandra Gomes, President at FIDELIS Facility Service Group.

The gist of the comments suggested that the lowest bid was not the best option, for multiple reasons.

Here's just a few: 
  1. Costs more in the long run. 
  2. Inferior product. 
  3. Inferior service. 
  4. Encourages business to compromises quality and integrity to compete.
  5. Creates unsafe environments.
  6. Businesses are offering services that they are not qualified to provide, in order to gain an edge on their competition. 
I share concerns with all of the above comments and many more. 

In our industry we have witnessed competition offer plumbing services in which they are not certified plumbers, but to the customer, it offers an appeared added value over our company which does not include this service because we are not willing to place our clients in a compromising situation.

We have also had competitors offer services with products that are not CSA approved for use in potable water applications.  These products are not designed to handle the harsh temperature environments of a Domestic Hot Water Storage Tank and will compromise the integrity of the vessel.

Application is key to the success of proper protection for Domestic Hot Water Storage Tanks.  We have competed with companies offering slurry coats of portland cement which actually does more damage to the Domestic Hot Water Storage Tank and system than good.

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten" – Benjamin Franklin

I want to leave you with an image and video to think about the potential consequences associated with the 'Lowest Bid'.

There Is Always Someone Who Will Do It Cheaper!

Call Provincial Tank Lining and Inspections for more information and/or to discuss a preventative maintenance plan for the Domestic Hot Water Storage Tanks in your portfolio.  


Jason Rusnak
Director of Business Development
Provincial Tank Lining and Inspections Inc.
C: 519.387.2635